Zach Smith

Software Developer


Node.js, React Native, React, PostgresQL, Redux, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, CSS

See my work


ReTap is a React app I developed that will show you your Untappd checkins from today’s date in the past years. It was the top post on r/Untappd and has been used by many fellow Untappd users. Check the post out!

I was inspired to make this app by Untappd’s co-founder, Greg Avola. Using Untappd’s public API I was able to authentic a user with their Untappd account, then make api calls to gather all their checkins and display the checkins from today’s date in the past years. This was an incredibly fun project to make and I had to conquer many challenges along the way. I used Luxon for most of my time conversions. You can even share your past beers to Facebook and Twitter! If you have an Untappd account give it a go: ReTap


Snippit is an application that helps you keep track of useful code snippits you find on your developer journey. Build your library by adding the useful code snippets you find yourself using over and over. Keep track of those cool tricks you read on a blog, yet can never seem to find again. Skip the bookmarks, save it to Snippit instead! We are adding new features weekly so be sure to sign up! Check out the repository here.


Patterns is a lifestyle management system that keeps track of user’s daily patterns. Users input patterns on their home page and indicate if the task was completed that day. Patterns will display a color-coded calendar indicating if the user has completed their Pattern for the past 7 days. Patterns was collaborative effort built by myself, André Adeyemi and Zuri Espinoza. We designed Patterns to help people manager their mental state during the COVID 19 Pandemic. With people spending so much time along we found it important to faciliate healthy habits and mental growth. We built Patterns with Node.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, Express, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. Change your life today and sign up ! Check out the repository here.

Find Your Throne

Find Your Throne is a React Native application that helps users locate and use clean and safe bathrooms. The user is able to rate the bathroom based on key indicators of bathroom quality. I used Google Map's API to locate bathrooms near the user. The backend was created with PostgresQL. Find the repository here


StockIO is a web application that displays pertinent information about stocks. Simply search for the stock you want to view and navigate to that stock's information page. Chart.js was used for data visualization and the stock information came from the AlphaVantage API.

Emoji Match

A fun concentration style game created with jQuery, css, and html. The current record is 12. Play it here and let me know if you beat the record!